That was then…

The benefits of doing the podcast are many but getting to meet so many cool people is the tops. Michael Donaldson is no exception. Whether learning about the current music scene or trading war stories from back in my days in the biz I could have gone on for hours. We tried to narrow it down to an hour but that was still not enough. It looks like Michael has a lot more is store for us so watch for follow up episodes as we work towards helping to expose more of what seems to be a much more vibrant music scene than I was to believe.

Michael is not only an acclaimed artist, Q-Burns Abstract Message, label owner, 8D Industries, music publisher, 8D sync but also currently continues consult artists looking to make their way in the industry. Who better to advise than one who has been through the chaos? A lot has changed since the days I have worked and marketing artists and music. It was great to hear about all that is happening here in the Orlando scene.

…This is Now

One last thing before you go, long time denizens of the Orlando scene are no doubt familiar with the club nite Phat and Jazzy which Michael helped get off the ground. They will be celebrating their 25th anniversary May 11th at the Iron Cow in the Milk District and Michael himself will be spinning records and looking to connect. Be sure to say hello and thank him for helping to keep the scene alive.

Rob Coble

While your in the mood for some new music be sure to check out our Producer Carlos’ web site and show him some love.