“We create immersive experiences from global entertainment destinations to cutting edge digital storytelling to unparalleled themed experiences, our team successfully transforms everyday reality - every day.”

Well it’s been a long time coming but 16 has finally arrived. Carlos and I are currently experiencing conflicting work schedules making harder and harder to schedule time to sit down with guests who’s own schedules are hectic to say the least. In fact this episode was recorded at the studios of Falcons Creative in Metro West using the audio set up of their brilliant sound guy Rick Morris while Carlos worked his magic on the back end. Thank you both for your help.

If you are not familiar with Falcons Creative Group and live in Orlando you haven’t been paying attention. They are responsible for creating some of the greatest interactive experiences currently out there today. Whether designing theme park attractions or museums exhibits they use cutting edge tools to create experiences that are unique to each individual often bringing the world right to your home through AR and VR technology. If they don’t have the technology they create it.

I sat down with Jason Ambler, Executive Producer / Director of Production and Jesse James Allen, Editorial Director for a chat about the studio and the process they use to create. A shout out to Saham Ali, Technical Director who was at the last minute pulled away on family business and unable to join us.

Thanks also to Phoebe Hicks, Marketing Coordinator for the tour of the studios. I can’t think of another time I have visited a studio and met so many passionate and exciting people. They obviously chose the right careers as only the mention of technology was enough to rev them up to full speed. They were excited to share their processes and their passions with This Is Orlando and I hope you will feel the enthusiasm on this episode. Be sure to check out their work at their website.

Thanks as always to my brother and audio guru Carlos Ivan for all of his help and enthusiasm in helping to produce This Is Orlando. We can’t do it without you. Check out his website here.