It's good to have Rock Star friends. Especially when they are using their Rock Star talents to bring new solutions to educational issues. We all know the importance and need for good programmers in today's society but with the increase in students in the plethora of Comp Sci. and Game Dev. programs around the world are we providing them with the tools to help them easily grasp the concepts and foundations of the art? 

Justin Gallo has worked as a Course Director for Full Sail Universities Game Development and Design programs where he has taught both programming and design to thousands of students looking to make gaming their career. So much has changed in the art of programming since he began but many things remain the same. One thing is certain, programming, like all languages, relies on certain principles and foundations. Miss a comma somewhere and your entire program may fail. It becomes frustrating and grueling for someone starting out to know where they went wrong and many times they give up or have to wait for help from their instructor. It is also time consuming for the instructor to try and grade the many assignments and try and provide the all so important personal mentor ship to many students simultaneously. With the creation of Diagram Justin has set out to solve these and the many other issues he has faced over the past 14 years and make the ever evolving art of programming easier to digest for both students and instructors. 

Diagram provides solutions to these and other problems both students and instructors face. Instructors build the content and provide the feedback inside of Diagram while students tasked with the lesson receive live time feedback and direction. Grading these assignments is also a breeze, click a button and Diagram does it for you. Diagram is designed for both beginners and pro's. It can also be used as a stand alone visual scripting tool for Unity. Listen to the podcast for a more complete breakdown and overview straight from Justin's own perspective. 

Justin is offering a special discount for listeners of This Is Orlando. Head to his web site and use the code "thisisorlando" to receive $20 off for the month of June. Educators that are interested in learning more can email me here to learn more about how Diagram can work for you. 

In the meantime be sure to check out the Virtual Hammer You Tube channel and Web Site for more details. 

Thanks as always to my pal Carlos for always providing the audio and the encouragement. Check out some of his awesome work at the link below. Carlos is available to help solve any of your projects audio needs and can be contacted through his web site.