If you have been paying any attention to the local Orlando tech scene for the past few years then Jim Thomas is a name that you certainly recognize. Through his work with the Orlando Tech Association and the Orlando Chamber of Commerce he has provided a voice for our community on both a local and national level. Go to any of the ubiquitous tech themed meet ups around town and you will most likely find Jim spreading the word.

2017 was a year of growth and with growth comes many challenges.  As Jim settles into his role as CEO of the OTA he has a lot on his plate. Tech has infiltrated every corner of our society and Orlando is being positioned as a major hub on a national scale. We continue to see growth in Gaming, Enterprise, Military and Medical Simulations and Jim has been tasked with finding a way to unite, promote and evangelize on behalf of all Central Florida Tech, AR, VR and Interactive Media. Herding cats is more like it. 

We caught up with Jim Mid January to find out what's in store for 2018 but more importantly what can we do to support the cause. There are many questions and even more opinions but as a wise man once said, "if you are not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem". You can start by getting involved. The OTA meets monthly and a schedule is posted on their Meetup page here. 

Thanks Jim for taking the time to meet with us and share your wisdom. On behalf of our community thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to helping make Orlando a top tier tech hub and something we can ll be really proud of. 

Before I let you go I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and say thanks again to my pal Carlos Ivan for all of his help, support and especially that jaunty podcast introduction countdown. Be sure to check out Carlos work and pick up a copy of his latest The Pulse Diaries Vol. 2 available wherever fine records are sold (or should I say downloaded?) . 

Thanks also to you, the listeners and supporters of this podcast. Please continue to spread the word and let me know what ideas you have for future guests. Let's make 2018 a year to remember and as always GET INVOLVED!