It's always fun to get with the lads from Doghead Simulation and this recording was no exception. We braved the elements to get through this one including my wife's liquor cabinet and my poorly trained misbehaved yellow lab Maggie. 

Doghead Simulations was founded by my three guests,

Elbert Perez - Microsoft, HTC Vive

Chance Glasco - 2015, Infinity Ward

Jameson Durall - Oddworld, EA, Deep Silver Volition

They recently relocated their home base to Orlando in order to take advantage of the thriving local tech scene and their relationship with Full Sail University where all three are members of the schools elite Hall of Fame. 

In this podcast we discuss Dogheads current state and plans for the future, What's new in Virtual Reality, the Orlando tech scene and how these three longtime game industry veterans have successfully managed their careers from their first jobs in the industry to founding their own company. 


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