Being a Tech Evangelist in Orlando often feels like preaching to the choir. We all know what a passionate and dedicated community we belong to but that's not always enough. Orlando's David Glass has worked tirelessly over the past 5 years to provide opportunities and education to our community while raising our nation profile as a top tier tech destination here in the U.S. 

September 2018 is the target date for the next iteration of OrlandoiX. Although the past three OiX' have been well received it has not come without a ton of elbow grease and hard work. It takes an incredible amount of time and effort to secure space, wifi, speakers and dollars to plan an event of this magnitude. 

In this episode we discuss the foundation and vision of the OiX brand and some of the difficulties encountered within the community to pull of an experience that benefits both the consumer and the tech devotee. 

Ask David if it's easy and you will be met with a scowl but ask him if it's worth it and he breaks into a smile. "Absolutely it's worth it" In spite of the obstacles he will not slow down. The goal is to create a brand that unites all of Orlando's thriving tech community, developers, gamers, entrepreneurs and the people that consume their products.  

Last years OiX featured representatives from Microsoft, HTC Vive, Doghead Simulations and a plethora of local game and interactive media companies. 2018 promises much more and we can't do it without everyone's support. If you are interested in hearing more about next years conference be sure to sound off. We are now accepting submissions for speakers, presenters and expo booths. Sponsorship's are also available. 

Thanks David for your ongoing passion and hard work on behalf of our community. It may not be easy but we appreciate your dedication and ongoing commitment to making Orlando a tech city of the future. 

As always, special thanks to Carlos Ivan Marquez for making it happen.