Today's guest is Eduardo Souto as known as Teacher Du he is from Brazil, he used to be a Private Teacher but nowadays he’s a business owner, he is the founder of VPFI English School.

In this episode we talk about: 

• Why is important to put English in your daily routine? 

• How much time do we need to study English? 

• The benefits of using different platforms to learn. 

• The difference between English inside and outside of a classroom. 

• Why is important to diversify the ways you use for learning English. 

If you’re are thinking about starting to teach English, you definitely don’t wanna miss his tips for those who want to become a teacher. 

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Links and mentions from this episode:

- Follow Teacher Du on Instagram ( )

- Jader Lelis Inglês do Zero (

- Teacher Luke ( )

- ESL Podcast (

- The Fluency Breakthrough Challenge ( )


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