Episode 25 The Return of Richie Mancuso... Hardcore's Cultural Value and It's Successes.

There is no better person to be This Is Hardcore Podcast's first return guest : Richie Mancuso.
For those who haven't checked out his first appearance, http://www.thisishardcorefest.com/podcast/episode7 is an awesome story of Richie's beginnings and the story of PAHC King's Krutch.

In his second time on the show, We discuss a few things relative to our experiences in hardcore. Alot of great topics are touched on, but the overall most poignant and interesting stuff worth nothing would be the lack of giant commercial success for the greatest in hardcore's history, yet while being so impactful culturally to so many bands that would eventually find larger audiences and vast commercial successes in the mainstream rock world.
This was a fun conversation and a great time for us to speak again. I look forward to more episodes like this in the future.

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Opening Musical Track Courtesy of MH Chaos https://www.instagram.com/multiplehomefrontchaos