Episode 23 Greg Falchetto... From The Mongoloids to Digital Managment

Greg Falchetto grew up in New Jersey Hardcore. He was going to shows all through north and central NJ before he was even able to drive. He would learn the ropes of selling merch with bands like Senses Fail before he would even graduate High School. Hardcore punk takes ahold of him and its becomes an obsession, whether its going to shows, later playing in a joke band and doing weekend runs as roadie for bands like Shattered Realm, Senses Fail and others, it's his life.
This would go even further as he starts The Mongoloids, what seemed as an oddball band, became a fixation in the US Hardcore scene through endless tours. Their constant activity on the road would cement their legacy, which would even take them overseas a few times. Greg would later meet his wife Natalie over the pond in London towards the end of the Mongoloids career. A chance would come his way working with Gamechanger World, a venue in Howell, NJ, to take all the experience garnished in the road crew and support roles of production into the management and day to day operations of a young talented youtube sensation. This would open doors towards him learning the ins and outs of talent management and eventually work his way into the field of digital management. This is great listen, both entertaining and informative.
Greg is another great example of what happens when you find something you love, obsession takes hold and eventually finding a path towards a living and profession built up over several years of experience in vans all over the world.