On this week's episode, I chatted with my friend Stu G, who has just released a beautiful record and also a book into the world, centered on the paradoxical teachings of Jesus in the beatitudes - blessed are the poor, those who mourn, the merciful, the meek, which directly contrasts today's measures of who is blessed and who is not. I've had the chance to sit around a campfire late into the night with Stu, who is brilliant, humble, and so gifted. Here's what Stu G has to say about words:

I am in love with words - a would-be poet even - but am often at a loss for what to say. I used to think I spoke best through my guitar, but I now see how easy it is to hide behind the ambiguity of music. I am more enthralled by the power of words, which can bring life and death. Words are dangerous - even controversial - depending on how they are used or interpreted. Like the teaching of Jesus, I want to be challenged - though it can be painful and fearful. And I want to challenge others - encouraging them to take risks and embrace adventure, to share their hopes and fears, and to live the questions to the answers they seek. I myself am a thinker who is always questioning, always wrestling, always trying to find a better way. I used to live for the future, like weekends or holidays. I used to say, ‘One day I will do this or that.’ But all we have been promised is today. ‘Today is the day of salvation,’ says St. Paul. In an age of social media, we need to work at being present to others, to the task at hand, and to stay in the moment - living for eternity but in the here and now. The new ‘now’ for me is one of community and collaboration - of creating with and performing for a wider group of people. I’m passionate about the connection we make when God inhabits the creative space between artists and seekers. For me this is an authentic expression of church and a foretaste of heaven.


Check out more information about Stu's book, record, and upcoming film here.

You can support me on Patreon here.

My work:

I host a weekly podcast. I wrote a book. I have a website. I am the pastor at a great little church. I am sometimes available to travel to hang with your tribe to help you all become more you. And yes, I do Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Oh, and if you’d like to stay up to date with my writing and events and such, you can subscribe to my email list. There. We’re all caught up.

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