In recent weeks, many Filipinos and Filipino Americans have appeared in mainstream U.S. news and entertainment.  Whether it’s the release of the Netflix anime series, TRESE, the long-awaited appearance of a Filipino nurse in Grey’s Anatomy, the recent announcement of a Pinay Captain America, or the heroic acts of Jordan Clarkson after a racist incident...

In recent weeks, many Filipinos and Filipino Americans have appeared in mainstream U.S. news and entertainment.  Whether it’s the release of the Netflix anime series, TRESE, the long-awaited appearance of a Filipino nurse in Grey’s Anatomy, the recent announcement of a Pinay Captain America, or the heroic acts of Jordan Clarkson after a racist incident befell a Filipino food truck in Utah, Filipinos have been in the mix of American popular culture more than usual.

In this TFAL episode, the crew discusses this recent surge of Filipino visibility in entertainment.  Listen as we discuss all of the latest news in Filipino American life and give our lukewarm takes on each of them.  (We even briefly touch upon the controversial Aswang Project hullabaloo!)

Listen or download through the embedded player on TFAL, find us on Mixcloud or subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts here. And for folks on Spotify, you can take a listen to us here.

What do you think about these latest developments in popular culture? Let us know by leaving a voicemail (805) 394-TFAL or emailing us at [email protected].