Many Filipinos and Filipino Americans tend to identify as such without question or sense of history of how these categories emerge historically.  In this TFAL episode, Joe speaks to his advisor and mentor in graduate school, Dr. Vicente Rafael, about the various formations and iterations of Filipino and Filipino American nationalism.  Dr. Rafael is a...

Many Filipinos and Filipino Americans tend to identify as such without question or sense of history of how these categories emerge historically.  In this TFAL episode, Joe speaks to his advisor and mentor in graduate school, Dr. Vicente Rafael, about the various formations and iterations of Filipino and Filipino American nationalism.  Dr. Rafael is a Professor in History at the University of Washington, and author of critical works in Philippine Studies such as Contracting Colonialism, White Love, The Promise of the Foreign, and Motherless Tongues.

Listen as they discuss Rafael’s career as a life-long academic, the short, tenuous history of the Philippine nation, and the various social and political movements that shape Filipino life in the United States.  It was a true honor to interview one of the foremost Filipino scholars.  We hope you enjoy this podcast episode.

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