Heather Crosby is the creator of Yum Universe, an incredible online resource full of recipes, meal plans and support for those looking to eat good, comforting food and increase their intake of plants. Heather's own struggles with health came to a climax when she was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, which is a chronic condition with no current effective treatment or cure, and so she turned to diet to help her manage the painful symptoms. Heather's health is now in an amazing place and she has just released her latest book, Pantry to Plate, which is all about cooking without recipes! 
We talk about the possibility of Heather having endometriosis, her challenges with her health and interstitial cystitis, how listening to her body completely transformed her attitude to her health and how she went from refusing to eat vegetables to drinking mushroom lattes! 

Heather Crosby is the creator of Yum Universe, an incredible online resource full of recipes, meal plans and support for those looking to eat good, comforting food and increase their intake of plants. Heather's own struggles with health came to a climax when she was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, which is a chronic condition with no current effective treatment or cure, and so she turned to diet to help her manage the painful symptoms. Heather's health is now in an amazing place and she has just released her latest book, Pantry to Plate, which is all about cooking without recipes! 

We talk about the possibility of Heather having endometriosis, her challenges with her health and interstitial cystitis, how listening to her body completely transformed her attitude to her health and how she went from refusing to eat vegetables to drinking mushroom lattes!