Saschan Fearon-Josephs is the founder of The Womb Room and event series; Real Talk. The Womb Room is an online digital space, which Saschan is currently re-developing, to become a network where women can get access to information, professionals and communities - all related to reproductive issues. The Real Talk series is a 12 month period of events taking this digital space and making it a physical reality, with guest speakers, workshops and an opportunity to connect with other women.
We talk about Saschan's painful and courageous story of diagnosis; not with just endometriosis, but fibroids, uterine polyps and adenomyosis, and the experiences that has inspired her to start The Womb Room. We also talk about how women from BME communities are more likely to suffer with specific reproductive health issues yet receive the least support medically and socially, and what needs to be done to provide services to hard to reach communities and how Saschan is doing that through The Womb Room.
This conversation, to me, is one of the most important conversations I’ve had so far on the podcast – Saschan is full of knowledge, wisdom and experience and I think we can all learn from what she has to share.
Show Notes
The Womb Room
The Womb Room Facebook
Dermoid Cysts
Experiments on black communities and racism in reproductive health references:

Saschan Fearon-Josephs is the founder of The Womb Room and event series; Real Talk. The Womb Room is an online digital space, which Saschan is currently re-developing, to become a network where women can get access to information, professionals and communities - all related to reproductive issues. The Real Talk series is a 12 month period of events taking this digital space and making it a physical reality, with guest speakers, workshops and an opportunity to connect with other women.

We talk about Saschan's painful and courageous story of diagnosis; not with just endometriosis, but fibroids, uterine polyps and adenomyosis, and the experiences that has inspired her to start The Womb Room. We also talk about how women from BME communities are more likely to suffer with specific reproductive health issues yet receive the least support medically and socially, and what needs to be done to provide services to hard to reach communities and how Saschan is doing that through The Womb Room.

This conversation, to me, is one of the most important conversations I’ve had so far on the podcast – Saschan is full of knowledge, wisdom and experience and I think we can all learn from what she has to share.

Show Notes

The Womb Room

The Womb Room Facebook

Dermoid Cysts

Experiments on black communities and racism in reproductive health references: