You may have noticed that my podcast thumbnail has changed to say This EndoLife Podcast by the Endo Belly Coach.
Yep! I have switched my website and all of the work I do from This EndoLife to The Endo Belly Coach – nothing is changing about my work, but I felt this title better encompassed my passion for endo and the endo belly.
And to celebrate, I’ve just launched my course The Endo Belly Protocol.

In this seven-step course, you will uncover the root causes behind your endo belly, learn the exact protocols for healing, identify your unique triggers and endo belly aggravators and ultimately heal your gut and calm your endo. 
You'll move from feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and at the mercy of the endo belly, to feeling clear and in control of your personal roadmap to healing.

You've had a surgery and even though your pain symptoms have calmed down (or maybe not), you're now having gut issues for the first time.

You've suffered with gut symptoms all your life. 

You can't get through the day without endo belly. 

You're exhausted by the endless food restriction, you seem to react to everything.

This course was designed with you in mind.
By the end of this course you will have…

Learnt the connection between endometriosis, intestinal inflammation and the endo belly and how gut health can fuel endometriosis symptoms

Found the best anti-inflammatory, gut-healing foods for calming your own personal endo belly and gut symptoms

Identified your unique endo belly triggers and created a sustainable approach to eating for endo and gut health in a way that you enjoy!

Made the connection between any stress, trauma or emotional challenges and your gut health, and have found strategies that work for improving your gut-brain connection

Healed your leaky gut, calmed any intestinal inflammation and reduced your endo belly flare ups!

Discovered the root causes behind your endo belly and either have begun treatment (if needed) or have a clear step-by-step roadmap for treatment

Identified which supplements are right for you and you own personal endo belly healing journey

Reduced (or even eliminated!) your pelvic pain, brain fog, fatigue, PMS and other seemingly random symptoms like allergies and joint pain

You’ll get seven modules, plus a bonus 8th module, multiple bonuses including workshops with surprise guests, my cookbook for free, handouts, PDFs and 7 live Q&A calls with me so you can ask any questions about your unique endo situation.
Here’s a quick outline of the modules:
Module 1: What is the Endo Belly and Why Does It Happen? 
Module 2: Foundational (First Line) Therapies for Healing the Endo Belly
Module 3: First Line Therapies - Anti-inflammatory Nutrition for Endo Belly Healing
Module 4: Advanced (Second Line) Therapies, Part 1 - The Endo Belly 4 Week Healing Protocol
Module 5: Advanced (Second Line) Therapies, Part 2 - Supplements and Tools for Intensive Healing and Symptom Management
Module 6: Specific (Third Line) Therapies, Part 1: The SIBO Protocol
Module 7: Specific (Third Line) Therapies, Part 2: Stubborn SIBO, SIFO, Candida and Other Common Gut Conditions
Early bird pricing ends Thursday 26th May 9pm BST, doors to enrolment close on Tuesday June 7th 10 pm BST and we get started on Monday June 13th.
If you’d like to learn more or you’re ready to sign up, the link is in my show notes or just go to
I hope to see some of you there!

You may have noticed that my podcast thumbnail has changed to say This EndoLife Podcast by the Endo Belly Coach.

Yep! I have switched my website and all of the work I do from This EndoLife to The Endo Belly Coach – nothing is changing about my work, but I felt this title better encompassed my passion for endo and the endo belly.

And to celebrate, I’ve just launched my course The Endo Belly Protocol.

In this seven-step course, you will uncover the root causes behind your endo belly, learn the exact protocols for healing, identify your unique triggers and endo belly aggravators and ultimately heal your gut and calm your endo. 

You'll move from feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and at the mercy of the endo belly, to feeling clear and in control of your personal roadmap to healing.



You've had a surgery and even though your pain symptoms have calmed down (or maybe not), you're now having gut issues for the first time.
You've suffered with gut symptoms all your life. 
You can't get through the day without endo belly. 
You're exhausted by the endless food restriction, you seem to react to everything.

This course was designed with you in mind.


By the end of this course you will have…

Learnt the connection between endometriosis, intestinal inflammation and the endo belly and how gut health can fuel endometriosis symptoms
Found the best anti-inflammatory, gut-healing foods for calming your own personal endo belly and gut symptoms
Identified your unique endo belly triggers and created a sustainable approach to eating for endo and gut health in a way that you enjoy!
Made the connection between any stress, trauma or emotional challenges and your gut health, and have found strategies that work for improving your gut-brain connection
Healed your leaky gut, calmed any intestinal inflammation and reduced your endo belly flare ups!

Discovered the root causes behind your endo belly and either have begun treatment (if needed) or have a clear step-by-step roadmap for treatment
Identified which supplements are right for you and you own personal endo belly healing journey

Reduced (or even eliminated!) your pelvic pain, brain fog, fatigue, PMS and other seemingly random symptoms like allergies and joint pain

You’ll get seven modules, plus a bonus 8th module, multiple bonuses including workshops with surprise guests, my cookbook for free, handouts, PDFs and 7 live Q&A calls with me so you can ask any questions about your unique endo situation.


Here’s a quick outline of the modules:

Module 1: What is the Endo Belly and Why Does It Happen? 

Module 2: Foundational (First Line) Therapies for Healing the Endo Belly

Module 3: First Line Therapies - Anti-inflammatory Nutrition for Endo Belly Healing

Module 4: Advanced (Second Line) Therapies, Part 1 - The Endo Belly 4 Week Healing Protocol

Module 5: Advanced (Second Line) Therapies, Part 2 - Supplements and Tools for Intensive Healing and Symptom Management

Module 6: Specific (Third Line) Therapies, Part 1: The SIBO Protocol

Module 7: Specific (Third Line) Therapies, Part 2: Stubborn SIBO, SIFO, Candida and Other Common Gut Conditions


Early bird pricing ends Thursday 26th May 9pm BST, doors to enrolment close on Tuesday June 7th 10 pm BST and we get started on Monday June 13th.


If you’d like to learn more or you’re ready to sign up, the link is in my show notes or just go to


I hope to see some of you there!