Happy Thanksgiving to our lovely community!   I’ve been working on something in the past few months, and as a thank you for being such an amazing bunch, I wanted to finally share it with you today.    Ever since I started This EndoLife, I wanted to make it accessible. Having worked with vulnerable groups in my past life in charity, I’ve seen first-hand the need for accessible health care. Not just in the form of conventional medicine, but in the form of empowering, alternative options that people can implement every day.   In fact, this was so much at the forefront of my mind, that when I embarked on training as a women’s health coach three years ago, my sole purpose wasn’t to do a one-to-one programme at all, but to in fact do an online course that was affordable and reached more people.    However, in order to do that, I quickly learnt that I needed the experience of one-to-one coaching and I’m so glad I did! Not only did I get to see how effective and life-changing it is, but it has been an absolute privilege getting to work with the clients I have this year, each and every one of them has been an inspiration to me.    My realisation was that some people prefer, need and can afford one to one coaching – and that’s wonderful and I’ll continue to offer that, but I still wanted both options.    Since the beginning of the year, as a way around this, I’ve been offering long-term payment plans, discounts and scholarships, and at the start of the pandemic I dropped my prices as low as I could so that people could still gain the support they needed. But there were still people who I couldn’t reach, who I spoke to on social media and needed support.    Every day I get direct messages from people asking me how to reduce inflammation, how they can balance their hormones, how they can manage work with this kind of pain.    I’ve also spoken to a lot of you recently about what’s held you back from starting to manage endo – and many of you said overwhelm and not knowing where to start. I hope that my free guides and ebooks, podcasts and articles provide enough for people to piece together a roadmap, but I personally know how overwhelming and confusing it can be to know which step to take first.    So in the spring I began working on this idea, my course. A step-by-step outline of my exact coaching programme, to help you guys to live and thrive with endo. A road map for reducing pain, bloating, fatigue and brain fog.  In this course I dive into the science of pain and inflammation, nutrition for endometriosis, how to balance your hormones and have better periods, how to improve energy and focus, how to heal your gut and so much more.    I’ve seen so many of my clients experience incredible changes. From excruciating periods to pain-free in a month, to feeling energised and alive again, to finally healing their gut health problems. I want to offer the same life-changing experience to as many of you as possible. So that you can go on to lead the life you’ve always wanted to lead before endo took over, so that you can take back control.   This will be the most comprehensive and clear resource I offer, other than my one-to-one programme. But whilst I have the vision, there’s no point me sharing something with the world which isn’t serving the needs of this community, so that’s where you come in.   I’d like you guys to get involved and shape the way that this course is delivered, what the content looks like, what questions need answering – essentially, I’d like you to tell me what you need the most.    So I’m inviting you to join me at the grass roots level as a Founding Member. If you’re willing to share your opinions and ideas with me, in exchange, I’d love to offer you this course at the lowest price it will ever be and with lifetime access, no matter how many changes and updates (plus some extra bonuses along the way!).   Once available, the 6-8 week course (you guys will help me decide that!) will be priced in the region of £150 (early-bird and generous payment plans available) but for founding members I’m offering the course for £75, with a payment plan if needed.   If you’re interested in getting involved and helping to change the lives of this community, please reply to this email with a simple 'yes' and I'll get back to you with the details and how to sign-up.  
I will be closing the doors on the Founding Members enrolment on Monday. 
Thank you! I’m so excited about what we can achieve together.  Love, Jessica x
P.S If this isn’t for you or you can’t afford this right now, I suggested starting with Episode 100 and also downloading my guide to getting started with managing endo.
Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or sign up to my newsletter.  

Happy Thanksgiving to our lovely community!
I’ve been working on something in the past few months, and as a thank you for being such an amazing bunch, I wanted to finally share it with you today. 
Ever since I started This EndoLife, I wanted to make it accessible.

Having worked with vulnerable groups in my past life in charity, I’ve seen first-hand the need for accessible health care. Not just in the form of conventional medicine, but in the form of empowering, alternative options that people can implement every day.
In fact, this was so much at the forefront of my mind, that when I embarked on training as a women’s health coach three years ago, my sole purpose wasn’t to do a one-to-one programme at all, but to in fact do an online course that was affordable and reached more people. 
However, in order to do that, I quickly learnt that I needed the experience of one-to-one coaching and I’m so glad I did! Not only did I get to see how effective and life-changing it is, but it has been an absolute privilege getting to work with the clients I have this year, each and every one of them has been an inspiration to me. 
My realisation was that some people prefer, need and can afford one to one coaching – and that’s wonderful and I’ll continue to offer that, but I still wanted both options. 
Since the beginning of the year, as a way around this, I’ve been offering long-term payment plans, discounts and scholarships, and at the start of the pandemic I dropped my prices as low as I could so that people could still gain the support they needed.

But there were still people who I couldn’t reach, who I spoke to on social media and needed support. 
Every day I get direct messages from people asking me how to reduce inflammation, how they can balance their hormones, how they can manage work with this kind of pain. 
I’ve also spoken to a lot of you recently about what’s held you back from starting to manage endo – and many of you said overwhelm and not knowing where to start.

I hope that my free guides and ebooks, podcasts and articles provide enough for people to piece together a roadmap, but I personally know how overwhelming and confusing it can be to know which step to take first. 
So in the spring I began working on this idea, my course.

A step-by-step outline of my exact coaching programme, to help you guys to live and thrive with endo.

A road map for reducing pain, bloating, fatigue and brain fog. 

In this course I dive into the science of pain and inflammation, nutrition for endometriosis, how to balance your hormones and have better periods, how to improve energy and focus, how to heal your gut and so much more. 
I’ve seen so many of my clients experience incredible changes. From excruciating periods to pain-free in a month, to feeling energised and alive again, to finally healing their gut health problems.

I want to offer the same life-changing experience to as many of you as possible. So that you can go on to lead the life you’ve always wanted to lead before endo took over, so that you can take back control.
This will be the most comprehensive and clear resource I offer, other than my one-to-one programme. But whilst I have the vision, there’s no point me sharing something with the world which isn’t serving the needs of this community, so that’s where you come in.
I’d like you guys to get involved and shape the way that this course is delivered, what the content looks like, what questions need answering – essentially, I’d like you to tell me what you need the most. 
So I’m inviting you to join me at the grass roots level as a Founding Member.

If you’re willing to share your opinions and ideas with me, in exchange, I’d love to offer you this course at the lowest price it will ever be and with lifetime access, no matter how many changes and updates (plus some extra bonuses along the way!).
Once available, the 6-8 week course (you guys will help me decide that!) will be priced in the region of £150 (early-bird and generous payment plans available) but for founding members I’m offering the course for £75, with a payment plan if needed.
If you’re interested in getting involved and helping to change the lives of this community, please reply to this email with a simple 'yes' and I'll get back to you with the details and how to sign-up.

I will be closing the doors on the Founding Members enrolment on Monday. 

Thank you!

I’m so excited about what we can achieve together. 

Jessica x

P.S If this isn’t for you or you can’t afford this right now, I suggested starting with Episode 100 and also downloading my guide to getting started with managing endo.

Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or sign up to my newsletter.  

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