Jean-François Martel has been working with various Canadian producers as a screenwriter and director for the past ten years. He's worked on numerous documentaries that have aired on most of Canada's major broadcasters, as well as writing and directing a number of award winning dramatic short films including "Cicada,". He's also the author of the fantastic short book/manifesto/artistic call to action "RECLAIMING ART IN THE AGE OF ARTIFICE" which was published in 2015. J.F. co-hosts a weekly philosophy of art podcast called "Weird Studies".

I discovered J.F. and his work earlier this year via another podcast and was immediately drawn in by his interesting and uncommonly well-thought-out positions on art and symbolism. After reading his book I was so enthralled I couldn't wait to get to chat with him about what I think is one of the most pressing issues we're facing today in the developed world: how we approach both the consumption and creation of art, stories, and media.

Get J.F.'s book here,dancers%2C%20filmmakers%2C%20and%20poets.


JF Martel


Garrett Vandenberg​​​​/

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