Vacation rentals continue to be one of the fastest growing work-related fields in America. People and families are renting out their homes, a spare room, and now even their couches ( Though vacation rentals are nothing new, Airbnb has certainly popularized them and made it easier for everyday homeowners to have a side hustle via vacation rentals.

Rachel Prince is a Real Estate Broker and Rentalpreneur in the Indianapolis area. In 2017 Rachel relocated her Airbnb real estate business to the Indianapolis market with FC Tucker real estate firm and has launched the Airbnb property management company, Hosts of Indy, LLC.

Rachel shares a passion and expertise for real estate and short-term renting. She does that via her popular podcast, Airbnb Entrepreneur Successes Revealed, and her books - Airbnb Side Hustle (2019) and  The Airbnb Mentality (2016). Her work not only provides resources and teaching to those interested in vacation rentals, but her writing reveals some of the deeper emotional intricacies that becoming a Rentalpreneur may incite.

Show Notes and Links

Rachel’s Podcast – Airbnb Entrepreneur Successes Revealed

Connect with Rachel on Twitter – Rachel’s recommendation

 The AirBnb Entrepreneur Podcast – What Terry and Kelly use for their vacation rentals

 E-books by Rachel

Airbnb Side Hustle (2019)

The Airbnb Mentality (2016)

 About This Better Work

YOUR HOST: Terry Linhart

The This Better Work Podcast website

Terry Linhart on Twitter

This show was recorded in studio space provided by Bethel University. To learn about Bethel's online degree programs, including a cyber security degree and their fast-growing online MBA, visit



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