What is the importance of belonging in the workplace according to research? And what are some key actions that business leaders can take to create a fantastic work culture? In this episode of This Anthro Life, we delve into the topic of building a stronger sense of belonging and identity within organizations through dimensional leadership.
Drawing from his extensive research involving more than 15,000 employees, Brad Deutser highlights the crucial role that belonging plays in fostering engagement, satisfaction, and retention. He unveils the five "Belonging Rules" that emerged from his work: harnessing the power of identity, listening without preconceived labels, prioritizing identity over purpose, challenging established norms, and demanding unwavering honesty. We also tackle the importance of addressing underlying power structures and norms to drive lasting change. A particularly compelling point raised by Deutser is the need to embrace diverse perspectives without necessitating complete agreement, as it is through this acceptance that true belonging can be achieved.Look no further! Our latest episode features an insightful conversation with Brad Deutser on identity, belonging, and fostering a sense of purpose in organizations. Tune in to This Anthro Life podcast for a dose of inspiration today!

Key takeaways:
Learn how belonging is a fundamental human need and one of the most important factors for employee engagement and performance.Explore how organizations should focus on identity over purpose to strengthen culture and give employees a sense of belonging.Discover why addressing power structures and norms is important for lasting, meaningful change in organizations.Understand how listening without labels and making judgments allows for deeper understanding between people.Consider how challenging norms and standards in a constructive way can spur creativity and innovation.Appreciate how embracing different perspectives without needing to agree creates an environment for belonging.Recognize that transparency and honesty builds trust within an organization.Experience how play, fun, and creative approaches to learning and development increase engagement.Gain insight into how dimensional leadership considers the human elements of change rather than just strategies.Reflect on how small acts of empathy and understanding can make a big difference in people's experience of work.

00:00:00 Importance of belonging in organizations.
00:06:35 Importance of incorporating play and fun in the workplace.
00:10:25 Belonging is crucial in the workplace.
00:15:23 Address power dynamics for lasting progress.
00:21:46 Listen without labels for understanding.
00:25:29 Listen and empathize with others.
00:34:40 Choose identity over purpose.
00:40:56 Expand your box for creativity.
00:43:15 Challenge everything for creative growth.
00:47:08 Belonging is essential for organizations.
00:55:18 Belonging is essential for growth.
00:55:30 "Anthropology is for everyone."

Brad Deutser is a trusted counselor, executive coach, and leadership guru for CEOs and top corporate management. He is the bestselling author of "Leading Clarity" and his upcoming book, "BELONGING RULES," focuses on building unity and fostering performance. Deutser's research shows that employees' sense of belonging significantly affects job satisfaction, engagement, and effort. Belonging is more influential than organizational culture and strategy in predicting these outcomes. The book highlights the financial value employees place on belonging in terms of salary and turnover. Deutser and his team surveyed over 15,000 employees across various industries and occupational roles to gather their insights. Through his work, Deutser has impacted top businesses, universities, sports franchises, and cause-based organizations. His expertise lies in creating spaces and leadership capacity for belonging and inclusion.

About This Anthro Life This Anthro Life is a thought-provoking podcast that explores the human side of technology, culture, and business. Hosted by Adam Gamwell, we unravel fascinating narratives and connect them to the wider context of our lives. Tune in to https://thisanthrolife.org and subscribe to our Substack at https://thisanthrolife.substack.com for more captivating episodes and engaging content.

Connect with Brad Deutser
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/braddeutser/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BradDeutser
Website: https://deutser.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/labradford32/

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