Previous Episode: Spell Run Ep 2
Next Episode: Spell Run Ep 3

The Lure Corporation team has faced down a blood-thirsty werepanther, a vengeful witch, and even a gillman, but when their minds swim with visions of blood, and an ancient force rears its head in Palmetto City, can they face the challenge?

And will they survive?

This American Monster is a podcast from This American Dice.

Our Cast is:

David as Ashton Greene

Alex as Herbert “Darkblade69” Kmoch

Carl as Chase Welker

Leigh as Sundry Charms

And Austin Smith as the Game Master

Our Theme Music is

Sinlude by Patrick Ross

Additional music includes:

-Tend To It by Osiris Saline

-Japanese Dolly by Yaka-Anima

Additional Voices for the show include:

Alex Ernest as Jessica Lure

Steve Arthur as Shane Meridew

Kate Hoffman as Anna Cross

Our cover art is by

Ok_mazur who can be commissioned on Fiverr