Searching for the lost heir to Piranesi, Blackburn the Lesser, our heroes find themselves on the island that was the Orc quarter.

Destroyed 15 years in an anti-Orc pogrom after Orcs sacked the capital, the heroes have been spotted by a horrific hell hound.

The Fate of Blackburn the Lesser is

-David as Pascal

-Carl as Donato

-Jarad as Farley

-Justin as Khamet

-and Austin as the Game Master

Music for the episode includes:

-82 Cue 3 - Dark-Heavy-Anger-Fear-Metal (Church Of The Self) by Soulaflair

-Eleven by Kaupe

-Streetlife Siletfilm by Lobo Loco

-A Dangerous Location by Ron Ernest

-Glacier Bells by Daniel Birch

-Weirding Way by SirCubworth

Dungeon World is a game by Sage Latorra and Adam Koebel