Don Jon, Sylus, and Isagnoma are headed to the mythril mines to figure out what the hell is delaying the shipments.
I’m sure it’s probably nothing, but with the livelihoods of literally dozens of boomtown prostitutes on the line, you bet your ass Don Jon is on the case.

Worlds greatest hunter.

Worlds greatest lover.

Worlds most handsome man.

Don Jon Raskin has another adventure!

Join Don Jon and Harold the Rat on another adventure that the bards will one day sing of.

The Adventures of Don Jon is:

Austin as Don Jon and Harold

Alex as Sylus

Trevor as Isagnoma

and Carl as our Dungeon Master

Dungeon World is a game by Adam Koebel and Sage LaTorra

Don Jon is a character that came out of the Dragon of Ice Fire Peak D&D box set by Wizards of the Coast

Music for this episode included:

Land of a Folk Divided by Mid-Air Machine

Artwork commissioned from Mieart through Fiverr