The Penultimate Episode!
After having gone through the caverns of Mt Gloom and encountering the god of Death our heroes find themselves in an idyllic village populated by four inch gnomes. But where is the legendary weapon they were sent to find in order to save the beset city of King K Casserole from the Dinosaur Legion that is currently besieging the city? Find out!

This episode includes

Matthew as Herzl Quarterling the thief

Jacob as Pilchas Goldstein the fighter and gastroenterologist

Jess as Brandon the Ranger and Federico the Owl

Joey as Slim the Salamander Immolator

Vinnie as Bard Bard the Bard

and Austin as the Dungeon Master

Dungeon World is a game by

Adam Koebel and Sage LaTorra

Music for this episode includes

Cue 3 - Dark-Heavy-Anger-Fear-Metal (Church Of The Self) by Soularflair

Land of a Folk Divided by Mid-Air-Machine

Trenches by Kaupe @kaupeband

Churchy by Coven

Petrichor by Mid-Air Machine

Cue 5 - Dark-Sombre-Sad-Spooky-Ambient (Even In My Dreams) by Soularflair

Tend to It by Osiris Saline

Evening Fly of the Brants by Lobo Loco