Legacy playoff

Matt Vook won it all: https://twitter.com/Ozymandias172/status/1213966880450457603?s=20


Legacy Challenge: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/mtgo-standings/legacy-challenge-2020-01-06

Just wanna touch on UW Miracles winning it all

Deck building

Cantrip decks vs not cantrip decks

What’s the deck building constraints of playing cantrips vs general “goodstuff” decks that cut cantrips for spells

When deck building looking at concepts of cantrips, haymakers, interaction, win cons, what are the densities you want?

How to build a better sideboard

Nathan B

Social Media

Steve https://twitter.com/raistlinim

Lawrence https://twitter.com/LawrenceHarmon

Liz  https://twitter.com/elioftheveil

ThirstforKnowledgeCast https://twitter.com/ThirstForCast

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