When you repot a plant, it’s gently taken out of its old home, the roots need a little massage to open them up + release old soil, you place it in the new pot with new soil, and sometimes that’s a SHOCK to the plant! Even though it’s for its own growth, the plant can feel some tension while getting adjusted. Well, same for HUMANS! Tap into this episode all about embracing your growth by seeing the reflection of it all + becoming your own safe haven! 

This week’s episode is sponsored by www.claimmymoment.com, powered by @souledoutempowHERment. Join our VIRTUAL Healing Studio to experience the Mental-Physical-Emotional-Soul healing we have found through using The M[Om]ent Method™. In this sacred space as a Rose Quartz Member, you gain exclusive access to our portal of Guided Meditations, Guided Breathwork, Yoga Classes, Dance infused Yoga, Sound + Energy Healing sessions…. As well as access to a supportive c[Om]munity and monthly LIVE Workshops. See you inside!



7:44 "You're running away, looking for all of these outlets, when really you know where you feel good at. You're just afraid to stay there."

9:12 "Don't take it personally..." "Take responsibility."

19:22 "To be a rebel is sacred as fuck, because, just like we're talking, you're gonna go against the grain with things--that's beautiful."