Brandon is an author, host of Positive Head podcast and Optimystic as light night TV show, an entrepreneur with an annual business revenue of $10 million +

Brendon gave me so much inspiration when I started listening to his podcasts back in 2016 and he has now published over 1500 episodes to date.

We talked about his new released book, The Golden Key, where there are eight keys to unlock and manifest abundance in all forms in your life. We experience lack of abundance because of our perceptive of who and what we actually are.

We discussed the magic of synchronicity and how it has played a big part in both our lives. How source is infinite, the need to get into alignment with the greatest, most fulfilling and rewarding version of ourselves and the need to manage and elevate our vibrations.

You’re the creator and architect of your own life.

You can find him on Instagram @0ptimystic

Find out more at OptiMystic here

Check out his podcast The Positive Head here

Download his book The Golden Key here! Coupon code ‘third eye awakening 777’ or ‘positive head’

You are incredible, POWERFUL, magical.  Thank You for Being here.

Find me on IG @amy.thenorthstar

And on FB @ Amy Belair

Or join my free FB group Soul Space

more info on my website