In this episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I am so excited to have Nicole Michelena on the show!

Nicole Michelena is a certified yoga instructor, psilocybin expert and the co-founder of Zenchronicity, an intimate group program that supports members in healing trauma through microdosing. She is an expert in the studies of shifting neuroplasticity, balancing one’s masculine and feminine energies, utilizing meditation to calm the nervous system, reprogramming traumas through plant medicine and the TFAR theory of mindfulness. Nicole is passionate about mental health reform and helps people in their overall body, mind and spirit reconnection.

In this episode, Nicole and I chat about:

-our experiences with plant medicine

-the importance of understanding and cultivating both masculine and feminine energies in order to create balance and harmony in society

-rewriting contracts with the universe and the impact of societal contracts on individuals

-conscious choices and the power of free will

-the impact of the false matrix on your life

-questioning the validity of things you see on social media

… and so much more!


Zenchronicity Website



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