This episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast is episode two in a three part series of how I did the things.

The first episode talked about how I healed my money shit and transformed my money story.

The second episode was about how I built my Akashic Records business

If those two episodes didn’t resonate with you, but there are still things you want to create in your life - this one will.

In this episode: How I Manifested My Dream Life - the complete realistic picture

Start your Akashic Records Biz!

Akashic Training & Certification Level 1: Foundations

Akashic Training & Certification Level 2: Advanced Practice

Join me in The New Earth Lightcodes of Money!

Timeline Shifting & Manifestation Mastery

5D Magic & Manifestation - PRESALE price!

Join me in my brand new Incubator HEART STAR CREATOR!