I’m so excited to share this conversation with you all! Brandon is the host of the Expanding Reality podcast, which covers spirituality and UFOs amongst many other things.

We spoke about the elements of manifestation, our responses to crisis and your attention as your currency. We dove into synchronicities, the power of manifestation, reading between the lines with mainstream media, beliefs vs ideas, conceptual ideas around UFO’s and how psychedelics can help with depression, PTSD, open up your vibrations and psychic gifts and how they can expand our mind.

We referenced a couple of books:

Safe Travels: An Essential Guide to safely Journeying with Psilocybin by Kelly Hanner which you can find here on Amazon

Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon by Dr Michael P. Masters which you can find here on Amazon

You can find Brandon's podcast Expanding Reality here

and on Instagram @expanding_reality_podcast

Find Brandon on Patreon here

Listen to my interview on Brandon's podcast here

You are incredible, POWERFUL, magical.  Thank You for Being here.

Find me on IG @amy.thenorthstar

And on FB @ Amy Belair

Or join my free FB group Soul Space

more info on my website AmyBelair.com