After completing a science degree at university, Jon went to the Alps for a snowboarding season.  Since there was limited internet access he truly got in touch with nature and realized he had so many unanswered questions about the universe and what he had been taught.

We discussed cognitive dissonance, how for some people ‘ignorance is bliss’ or ‘trauma response’ or even pressure from society, keeps them safe by not questioning what they hear or watch. In the past spirituality had been ridiculed by society, but now more people are experiencing spiritual awakenings.

We talked about the concept of the fifth dimension, cognitive consciousness, lucid dreaming and how our neurological brain cannot explain the magic of these experiences.

You are incredible, POWERFUL, magical.  Thank You for Being here.

Find me on IG @amy.thenorthstar

And on FB @ Amy Belair

Or join my free FB group Soul Space

more info on my website