For the first time I am sharing the full story of my journey in this life with my beautiful son Cillian, who was born prematurely and died at just 20 days old.

Although this story is very vulnerable and personal and painful, I am sharing it because all the way through, and certainly in looking back, I've been aware of a beautiful Magic that infused every aspect of this heartbreaking experience.  He was with me before he was even conceived, he helped prepare me for what was to come, and he has been with me since he died.

I hope his story helps others to feel comforted in the knowing that no matter how painful life can be at times, we are truly held in Magic &  Love.

Follow me!

Instagram: @amy.thenorthstar

Facebook: Amy Belair  

and join my new Facebook group 'Soul Space' for interactive conversations about all of this juicy Spiritual & Psychic Awakening stuff.

Thanks for being here!

You are pure magic.