Vincent Kamp is a British artist who has run a scientific instruments company, competed in triathlons at the highest level, and published a graphic comic book he wrote with his kids. Thinky Thinky Make Make [...]

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Vincent Kamp is a British artist who has run a scientific instruments company, competed in triathlons at the highest level, and published a graphic comic book he wrote with his kids.

Thinky Thinky Make Make guest 012, Dave Erasmus recommended Vince as someone we should interview when we spoke to him a few weeks ago. He told us that Vince learns things like nobody he’s ever met before, going from a hobby artist to being represented by a top Mayfair gallery in a couple of years. Dave introduced us, we set a time, and so I found myself in Vince’s studio in Surrey a couple of weeks later.

The Betrayal, oil on aluminium panel, 122 x 82cm

Vince’s art is striking, combining classical styles with modern subjects and using light and cinematic influences to bring powerful narratives to his paintings. Everyone I’ve shown his work to gets it immediately.

After making me a camomile tea (that’s four hot drinks in a row I’ve been provided with by TTMM guests) we hit record and had a great chat about art and learning.

We chatted about plenty of different topics, but what I enjoyed most was when Vince was talking about learning. He’s done this throughout his life, from learning to run the family business to educating himself about art, comic book creation and now piano.

A fibreglass robot Vince made to promote his comic book Robotslayer

It became clear that when Vince has an idea he follows through, and takes things to another level to most. Bringing in barbers to cut hair at art fairs and building fibreglass robots for the launch of his comic book Robotslayer. As the man himself says, “If you’re going to do it don’t just let it be just piss in the wind, just go for it.”

It’s one of my favourite episodes so far, and one that has already altered my daily routines. In the week since we spoke I’ve bought The War of Art that Vince recommended, stopped having my phone in my bedroom, and begun dedicating the early parts of the morning to education.

If you’ve enjoyed this then I recommend you follow Vince on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

You can learn more about him on his website.

And if you want to buy any of his work, he is represented by Clarendon Fine Art.

Thanks for listening,

Robbie xx


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