If you tuned into episode 17, you know we’d have to bring Hollywood director, Cole Walliser, back for more. He joins us straight from his home in L.A. to discuss life beyond the limitations of social distancing. In our conversation, you get a true sense of how owning your craft through thick and thin is an investment that takes you further and Cole is a leading example of someone who moves through any situation with his own trajectory. Tune in and find out how his pure and genuine joy for creation has given him the best waves to ride on. 


In this episode, you’ll hear about: 


Cole’s insights and behind the scenes of operating the GlamBOT at the Grammys 
What it means to stay curious and true to your craft when you are experiencing rapid growth
How to continuously brand yourself authentically within and beyond the entertainment industry 
Thriving on curiosity and learning to be better at the peak of your career 



For full show notes, references, further reflections on this episode head to our website at www.thinkspacepodcast.com/cole-walliser2


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Connect with Cole Walliser:

@colewalliser on Instagram 

@colewalliser on TikTok

Cole Walliser on Youtube

Cole Walliser on LinkedIn



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