Previous Episode: Episode 388: Wizards
Next Episode: Episode 389: Big Raises

In this long lost episode from 2014, Andrew and Nate Meyvis review a hand from a live $1/$2 cash game before talking with semi-professional poker player, entrepreneur, and DeucesCracked coach Andrew Seidman about a myriad of topics, including his book Easy ... Read more...

In this long lost episode from 2014, Andrew and Nate Meyvis review a hand from a live $1/$2 cash game before talking with semi-professional poker player, entrepreneur, and DeucesCracked coach Andrew Seidman about a myriad of topics, including his book Easy Game (Andrew’s review here), his travels, his studies, and much more.

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1-2 NL table, 6-handed, effective stacks $300.

UTG calls, Hero calls UTG1 with Kc 6c, CO folds, BN raises to $12, everyone calls.

Flop ($55 in pot) KhJx5h. Everyone checks.

Turn ($55 in pot) KhJx5hTx. Checks to Hero, Hero bets $35, both blinds call.

River ($160 in pot) KhJx4hTxJh. SB checks, BB bets $25, Hero shoves $250.