Noted poker authority Ed Miller returns to the show to discuss his new venture, DeckPrism Sports, which provides 24/7 pregame and in-game Managed Trading Services for American Sports. Ed’s earlier appearances are more poker-centric: Episode 25: General Strategy Episode 71: ... Read more...

Noted poker authority Ed Miller returns to the show to discuss his new venture, DeckPrism Sports, which provides 24/7 pregame and in-game Managed Trading Services for American Sports. Ed’s earlier appearances are more poker-centric:

Episode 25: General Strategy
Episode 71: Poker’s 1%
Episode 113: The Course
Episode 178: Finding Edges

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0:30 hello
4:55 strategy
20:22 ed miller 


Level 8 – Blinds: 500/1K – 9 handed table – 30 minutes levels – Freezeout

Aggresive player with 75K opens the action in middle position raising to 2.5K. All folds and the action comes to me in the button. I have 62K and Ah Ad. I decided to 3-Bet to 7.5K, the blinds folded and the original raiser calls. My image was solid because I have good hands in the showdowns I was involved. 

Pot: 17.5K / Flop: Ks 8s 5h / Villains cheks and I c-bet to 12K. He answers with a check-raise of 25K.

Ed Miller

Ed Miller is the co-founder of DeckPrism Sports and the author of many poker books, including Playing the Player, The Course, and Poker 1%.



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