This is the conclusion of our epic three-hour interview with living legend Dick Carson (Part 1, Part 2), featuring stories from his pool hustling days and memories of Frank Rosenthal. Timestamps 0:30 Hello 4:07 Strategy 29:45 Dick pt iii Strategy ... Read more...

This is the conclusion of our epic three-hour interview with living legend Dick Carson (Part 1, Part 2), featuring stories from his pool hustling days and memories of Frank Rosenthal.


0:30 Hello

4:07 Strategy

29:45 Dick pt iii


2/5 NL. My Stack is about 770 and all players involve cover. Two limps and I raise to 25$ in HJ with Ks2s. Button 3 Bets to 70$, both limpers call, and I call.

Pot is 287 -rake Flop Comes: AcKc2h

Checks to Button who bets 125, both original callers fold, Hero raises to 300, Button calls.

Turn: Ad

Both check.

River: Qd

I check, He shoves 400.