It's LIVE episode time everyone!! We discuss all of the random things that we have done in the last two weeks. What were we watching, other than our main topics? Did anybody read anything? Did you listen to something that might be interesting? THIS is the time to discuss those things. 
PLUS, this is the chance for our listeners to jump in on the conversation with us, and tell us what YOU have been doing for the past two weeks. What did you watch, listen to, or read? Is there some fun new topic that you want us to talk about? LIVE episodes are the perfect times for you to let us know!! 
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts | Android |  Spotify | Pandora | RSS
Tell us what you think!Leave us a voicemail at 970-573-6148Send us feedback and/or MP3's to [email protected] us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube!Support the podcast on Patreon!Credit - Doyle Daniels, Juan Muro, Gabe Llanas, Tim Huskey

It’s LIVE episode time everyone!! We discuss all of the random things that we have done in the last two weeks. What were we watching, other than our main topics? Did anybody read anything? Did you listen to something that might be interesting? THIS is the time to discuss those things. 

PLUS, this is the chance for our listeners to jump in on the conversation with us, and tell us what YOU have been doing for the past two weeks. What did you watch, listen to, or read? Is there some fun new topic that you want us to talk about? LIVE episodes are the perfect times for you to let us know!! 

SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts | AndroidSpotify | Pandora | RSS

Tell us what you think!
Leave us a voicemail at 970-573-6148
Send us feedback and/or MP3’s to [email protected]
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube!
Support the podcast on Patreon!

Credit – Doyle Daniels, Juan Muro, Gabe Llanas, Tim Huskey

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