In this episode, Prince Ghuman and I are going to discuss a topic that may be relatively new to what HR and more broadly other leaders can learn from the marketing function-the neuroscience of marketing. This is such a cool topic to discuss! 
 From Prince:

“There are opportunities for advancement and experiential learning opportunities and chance to be involved in certain projects or to have access to certain meetings or different discussions. There are lots of ways to create value inside of organizations. And there are lots of different ways to incent people to drive performance.”

➡️ What is memory science?

➡️ What drew Prince to neuromarketing, to begin with?

➡️ The role of neuroscience in extracting the most amount of performance from individuals and teams in service to a broader organizational goal.

➡️ How we as a society view work and the context in which we view it.

 Prince Ghuman

Prince Ghuman started his first company as an undergrad at the University of California at San Diego. He went on to be the founding head of marketing at BAP, one of the first digital automotive platforms and current leader in the automotive e-commerce space. 

Most recently, he held dual roles as the US Director of Consumer Marketing and the Global Director of B2B Marketing for OFX. He was named one of the Shakers and Movers by the San Francisco Chronicle. He is a professor of neuro-marketing at Hult Int'l Business School, speaker at TEDx, and a contributor at Forbes. 

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Thinking Inside the Box

Constraints drive innovation. Each week we tackle the most complex issues related to work & culture.

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Matt Burns

Matt Burns is an award-winning executive, social entrepreneur & speaker. He believes in the power of community, simplicity & technology.


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