In today’s episode, I chat with Nada Lena, the Las Vegas-based Founder & CEO of Rise Up For You. Nada is also a #1 Best Selling Author, Leadership and Career Confidence Coach, and 2x TEDx Motivational Speaker.

With over 10 years’ experience as a college professor and former top executive for an education corporation, Nada understands the importance of fusing education, empowerment, and leadership together as she works with her clients and speaks to audiences worldwide. She has toured the world as a singer, has a Master’s degree in Executive Leadership, and has coached and mentored over 50,000 individuals around the world on self-empowerment, career strategy, and soft skills. 

She’s been featured in hundreds of podcasts and radio shows, and is a featured motivational and educational speaker who’s spoken alongside greats such as Tony Robbins, Les Brown and Marie Forleo. Most recently, she can be seen and heard on Radio Canada, Amazon Prime TV, and Bloomberg as a co-host of The Office Hours, a talk show that interviews celebrities, athletes, and world-renowned entrepreneurs. 

We covered a lot in a very short period of time, including Nada’s origin story, the inspiration behind her organization, Rise Up for You, and the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace.

It was such a pleasure connecting with Nada. And I hope you enjoy it.

Nada Lena

Nada Lena is the Founder & CEO of Rise Up For You, #1 Best Selling Author, Leadership and a career confidence coach, and 2x TEDx Motivational Speaker.

With over 10 years’ experience as a college professor and former top executive for an education corporation, Nada understands the importance of fusing education, empowerment, and leadership together as she works with her clients and speaks to audiences worldwide.

Rise Up For You is proudly Certified as a Women ' s Owned Small Business and Certified by the Society of Human Resources Management. Nada has been awarded 40 under 40 professionals in Orange County, California Women of Influence for Entrepreneurship in 2021, the Keynote Speaker Award from the Lebanese Collegiate Network, and the OC Sheriffs Award for her philanthropic work with at-risk youth.


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Matt Burns

Matt Burns is an award-winning executive, social entrepreneur and speaker. He believes in the power of community, simplicity & technology.


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