A week before 2019 ABD conference, we invited Pavel Abdur-Rahman, the partner and the head of data science at IBM, to share his views on the industry adoption of AI. In 2018, Pavel jokingly told the audience that part of his job is to put all data scientists out of a job. This time, Pavel shared his new observations since we spoke last time. 

On the topic of “how to transition from ad-hoc data science to scaled AI across the organization”, Pavel emphasizes on the value schedule alignment across digital leadership, internal governing body and the partnering ecosystem. 

Digital leadership: What is the value with digital and analytics ? 

Many organizations might claim they want to accelerate AI adoption but only a few can declare the true values that are generated from the digital and analytics initiatives. 

Internal Governance and Supports: How does the internal system to support ? Partnering Ecosystem: How do we engage the whole partnering ecosystem like start-ups and vendors?