Please be sure to rate, review and subscribe this podcast. Every star counts! I share my tips and my journey to getting paid what I THINK I'm worth. This may be different to what you actually get paid now. Or maybe there is no difference, in that case don't rock the boat! But if you're like me and believe you deserve more, then press play to hear how I journeyed through this challenge. This week's TRB celebration - "Lisa" a British woman who made a life for herself in South Africa after graduating with a law degree in the recession of 2010. She didn't find much hope for job prospects in the UK and took a leap of faith and moved continents. Find out what happened during the last 8 years in this week's celebration. I'm looking for success stories from all around the world, so feel free to share yours (anonymous if you wish!) to [email protected] Have a question or comment? I want to hear your thoughts, so drop me a line, via email, Instagram or Twitter. Website - Instagram - @thinkrandomlybig Email - [email protected] Twitter - @trb_podcast Enjoy and keep tuning in to #ThinkRandomlyBigTuesdays via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud.