Inside Story by Grace Jones
Click here to join our Discord! ( We're planning to continue livestreaming the recordings (once Cameron is back from vacation) at around 8:30pm Pacific Time on Tuesday.
Support Cameron's old time trio Tall Poppy String Band on Kickstarter! (
Listen along to Inside Story here! (
You can support us in several ways:
Kick us a few bux on Patreon! ( By becoming a supporting member, you'll gain access to special bonus episodes, including a weekly mini-show, What's in the Box Weekly!
Buy T-shirts, sweatshirts, and more at our merch page! (

Inside Story by Grace Jones

Click here to join our Discord! We're planning to continue livestreaming the recordings (once Cameron is back from vacation) at around 8:30pm Pacific Time on Tuesday.

Support Cameron's old time trio Tall Poppy String Band on Kickstarter!

Listen along to Inside Story here!

You can support us in several ways:

Kick us a few bux on Patreon! By becoming a supporting member, you'll gain access to special bonus episodes, including a weekly mini-show, What's in the Box Weekly!
Buy T-shirts, sweatshirts, and more at our merch page!

Support Think Outside the Box Set