Wet’so’weten Protests, blockades, and calls for meaningful reconciliation continue to make headlines and it’s hard to ignore the feeling that we are being pushed and pulled into an increasingly divided Canada.

What are the next steps? What is missing as we try to move towards reconciliation for a post-colonial Canada?

Briony Penn is an award-winning author and worked most recently with respected First Nations elder, orator and activist Cecil Paul - Wa’xaid by his traditional name -  to write his book Stories from the Magic Canoe of Wa’xaid. They also are collaborating on Cecil’s biography, Following the Good River, which will be published this May.

Cecelia Reekie is Wa’xaid’s eldest daughter and is a Cultural Presenter with the Langley School District working with students from Grades 2-12 in bringing awareness to the true history of Canada. 

We sat down with Briony and Cecelia to talk about Cecil’s life, his legacy and, in these turbulent times, how we can learn from his stories and find the path towards reconciliation.