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In this weeks episode, The King Of Ranking fails to rank the songs (until he does), Chrissy enjoys a vase and Kris gets festive, and we “enjoy” the first ever Flag Ceremony, as we go to the first ever BBC hosted Eurovision Song Contest, in something of an impromptu BBC's Centenary special edition, so sit up straight, stop slouching, put on your best RP accent, and get ready to enjoy Le Grand-Prix Eurovision de la Chanson Européenne 1960!

Preston Bus Staton (Sorreh, Correct Change Olneh) 
Teddy Johnson & Pearl Carr - Sing Little Birdie 
Dihaj - SkeletonsDihaj - Skeletons (Horse Head Up A Ladder) 
Hexagons are the Bestagons 
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (1964 Stop Motion Movie) 
Talking Heads - Psycho Killer 
The Bontempi Portable Organ Kris had 
Holland vs the Netherlands 
Josh Dubovie - That Sounds Good To Me 
Guildo Horn - Guildo Hat Euch Lieb 
Motsi Mabuse with Guildo Horn 
Tony Dallara - Romantica