TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains descriptions of graphic scenes depicting racism, sexism, sexual assault and abuse, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, suicide, blood/gore, bodily fluids, attempted murder, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and pretty much any other triggering thing you can think of. Please listen with your mental health in mind. THIS IS THE WORST MOVIE WE HAVE EVER SEEN. Well, unless you ask Olivia, in which case it's second only to Leprechaun 2. But for our purposes, THIS IS THE WORST MOVIE WE HAVE EVER SEEN. I regret having ever suggested we watch this. I'll never get that time back. I hope our suffering is enough to convince you to never watch this. Ashton Kutcher owes me restitution. Featuring: an owl named OJ, a newfound disgust for Molly Shannon, and Terence Stamp's bare ass. SOCIAL MEDIA: