In part 3 of our 6-part series for Healthcare workers, Amy Walls emphasizes the importance of diversification and asset allocation in building a well-rounded portfolio. This is especially true for those in the medical profession who may have higher-than-average salaries.  There are many tax complications that come with them!

Risk tolerance is also a key factor to consider, as it determines an individual's comfort level with market fluctuations. Jag points out that your "theoretical" risk tolerance may not translate to what you actually feel when the market becomes volatile.

Amy explains the tax implications of different investment options, such as retirement accounts and tax-free investing. She also addresses the concept of ethical and social investing, highlighting the need to align investments with personal values. That said, beware the idea of "emotional investing."  If you have particular companies you believe in, consider a smaller "fun" investment account, as opposed to betting your retirement on them.  

We conclude by discussing the costs and fees associated with various investment options and the importance of adjusting investment strategies over time.

For more information contact Amy Walls and her staff at 503-610-6510 or click here Thimbleberry Financial.

To get in touch with Amy and her team at Thimbleberry Financial, call 503-610-6510 or visit