In this yet again delayed episode of They Shot Pictures, we discuss another Japanese master, Mikio Naruse. This is kind of an all-stars episode with 3 amazing returning guests - Lance McCallion, Sean Gilman and Slayton Hurst Bourdon. We discuss in depth the films [i]Each Night I Dream[/i], [i]Flowing[/i] and [i]Yearning[/i] and as always digress and discuss other films from Naruse's filmography as well.

Sean blogs eloquently about films on his blog and is also present on twitter at @theendofcinema. Lance needs to blog more frequently on this here blog but is available to be nagged on twitter at @LanceJMc. Slayton is obviously a bot of some sort. If you like the show, pls leave a comment on the website or itunes or reach out via twitter @TSP_Podcast.

In this yet again delayed episode of They Shot Pictures, we discuss another Japanese master, Mikio Naruse. This is kind of an all-stars episode with 3 amazing returning guests - Lance McCallion, Sean Gilman and Slayton Hurst Bourdon. We discuss in depth the films [i]Each Night I Dream[/i], [i]Flowing[/i] and [i]Yearning[/i] and as always digress and discuss other films from Naruse's filmography as well.

Sean blogs eloquently about films on his blog but is available to be nagged on twitter at @LanceJMc. Slayton is obviously a bot of some sort. If you like the show, pls leave a comment on the website or itunes or reach out via twitter @TSP_Podcast.