They’re A Super Geek is a one-shot actual play live stream created by three BIMPoC players to highlight the voices of marginalized folks in the TRPG scene. We feature gender […]

They’re A Super Geek is a one-shot actual play live stream created by three BIMPoC players to highlight the voices of marginalized folks in the TRPG scene. We feature gender marginalized GMs and a diverse rotating cast of players.

In this final game session of the year, hosts Jeremy (they/them), Kristin (she/her), and Mariam (they/them) play Jeremy’s False Protagonists, a story prompt game about queer teens, queer community, parasocial relationships, and magical girls. Join the cast as they stroll the pier, admire the oft-rebuilt Ferris wheel, and recount the impact the Guardians of Megacity have had on their lives.

False Protagonists is a Descended from the Queen game that Jeremy wrote about reflecting on queer heroes and what that means for deciding who you want to be in the community. You can purchase the game or download a community copy at, and you can check out Story Synth, the online play platform used for this episode, at

Follow us on Twitter:

They’re A Super Geek: @tasgeekJeremy: @HarkMorperKristin: @KristinIsNoJediMariam: @media_junkie

Broadcasted live on on December 2, 2021

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