Lee and Daniel are back to talk about two films suggested by listener Jeff Williams, featuring sexy and dangerous females. First up it is the classic film noir "This Gun for Hire" (1942), and then they move on to talk about an interesting B-western, "Woman They Almost Lynched" (1953). Thinly veiled fetish material; proto-feminism; cat fights; Confederate soldiers portrayed as heroes in westerns of this era; and the recasting of a modern remake of "Woman..." are just a few of the things brought up, as well as listener comments.

Check out Lee's appearance on the latest episode of Movie Melt.

"This Gun for Hire" IMDB

"Woman They Almost Lynched" IMDB

Featured Music: "I've Got You" by Veronica Lake; "How Strange" by Peggy Lee; and "Union Dixie" by Tennessee Ernie Ford.