The whole gang sits down this week to discover what happens when William Shatner decided to take a break from "Star Trek" and star in a Spanish western, without really bothering to take a break from playing Captain Kirk. Oh, and Joseph Cotton apparently needed some money...badly. This is why "White Comanche" exists in the form it does. The hosts struggle with the bad and the good of this low-rent 1968 oddity, that feels like "Yojimbo" jammed into some bizarre ego-centric stream of consciousness from the Shat himself, where in a dual-role he tries to play both a good and bad pair of half-Comanche, half-white twins, and takes things off the rails. They didn't even bother with red-face, people. Listener comments are also covered. NOTE: Paul's audio comes in a bit low, so you might want to check this out with ear buds on.

White Comanche IMDB 

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Feature Music: "Indian Giver" by The Ramones & "Comanche" by The Revels.